VKnox Life

Mar 29, 20164 min

Three Keys to Detox Your Life

Updated: Sep 1, 2020

Detox is the buzz word in the health and wellness industry right now.  When you hear the word detox, you might think of a colon cleanse product or glass of green juice, followed by a reluctance to try it.  Can’t say I blame you because I was indeed one who thought that I could not stomach a green juice and if I couldn’t have what I thought was a balanced meal of meat, starch and vegetable– ironically called the Standard American Diet or S.A.D. – I didn’t want it.

However, at nearly 200 pounds and just over five feet, with several health challenges and afraid that I’d stop breathing in my sleep at night, I was open to a radical change in my life. The greatest answers were not in a cup but in my mind and spirit and the body followed.  I created a R.A.W. Life (Really Awesome Way) by detoxing my life.  If you are at a crossroads about detoxing and need inspiration beyond juice concoctions, keep reading.

The Incredible Egg

  1. Sprit (yoke)–  inner,  most intimate life form, driving force; part that communes with your Higher Power

  2. Soul/Mind (white) – where the memory, conscience, will, and emotions reside; between the spirit and body

  3. Body (shell) – outer, most visible part that everyone can see; responds to the five senses,  houses the spirit and soul/mind

Now that we have some general idea of our various parts, we can go a further into detoxing from the core of our being, starting from the inside and working outward.  When all three parts are out of sync, we develop illness, sickness and “dis” ease.  Generally people focus on just one or two aspects and soon fall off course because one piece alone isn’t enough to keep it going.  In order to detox your life and make a lifestyle change, all three parts must be actively involved in the process.  Let’s start from the inside, shall we?

1.  Listen to the Spirit Within

This will help weed out unnecessary noise that does not align with your values and priorities which should ultimately point to your life’s purpose.  Detox your spirit by meditating, praying, cultivating a relationship with your Higher Power (not just religion).  Learn what you’re gifted at doing and follow that path.  Doing what you are called or gifted to do brings great joy, contentment and happiness into your life.  Ever notice when there’s too much on your plate, you feel scattered and out of sync?  Your life’s activities should be like a symphony, not a lot of tinkering noise without harmony.   Plus, everyone benefits when you use your gifts and stay in your lane, including you!

2. Feed Your Soul

You can decide if you’ll take things personally or let them fall on deaf ears.  As you detox your life, sharpen or clear your soul’s filter so that every little thing does not throw you off course and ultimately make you forfeit your destiny.  There will be times when you’ll have to eat differently, exercise or change habits when you don’t feel like it or others don’t understand.

These are defining moments so choose to do the right thing and stay the course until your feelings, emotions and will catch up! Eventually, you’ll create a new habit and wonder how you ever lived without it.

3.  Bring on the Body

Embrace the uniqueness of your body, but strive to make it as awesome as possible!  It is the one thing you will have for the rest of your earthly life, so take good care of it!  Clean eating is one way to help the body detox each day and includes:

  1. No White Sugar

  2. No White Flour

  3. No Processed Chemically-Enhanced Artificial Ingredients

  4. Plant-Based Diet of Natural, Whole Foods and Herbs

  5. Water

It is very difficult to eat and digest several pounds of raw vegetation, so I recommend juicing vegetables and eating fruit (though you can juice them as well).  When I embarked upon this part of my journey a few years ago, I completely changed my diet to 70 percent raw foods and juicing, and worked out two hours five to six times a week.  In a matter of a few short months, weeks actually, I was a different person and my body transformed!  A physical transformation is based on about 70 percent of what you eat and about 30 percent physical activity.   But this is only when the spirit and mind/soul are leading the way.

Lastly, get in at least 150 minutes of exercise each week.  That’s a minimum of 30 minutes a day five times a week and can include simple walking to full circuit training. Though the routine can vary, be consistent so that exercise becomes part of your lifestyle, not an added thing to do.  Commit to your life’s purpose to be in the best shape possible.

Detoxing your life is a process, not a single event.  It is a transition into a lifestyle that sets the foundation for a happier, healthier you, from the inside out.

VKNOX is a holistic nutrition wellness practitioner, behavior change specialist, fitness nutrition educator, lifestyle transformation coach and author. She is the creator of the R.A.W. Lifestyle System.
