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Why Weight Release Can Be Tough

Updated: Aug 31, 2020

If I had a dollar for every time someone said, “I will just eat whatever I want and exercise,” I’d have a more intense shoe collection – maybe not filthy rich, but let’s say I would be pretty comfy with a banging shoe room, forget a closet!

However, for some, this is the extent of the weight release plan. We may visit the gym, fitness class or exercise a few times a week, but the weight does not come off as expected. The workout excitement wears off but determination shifts into high gear.  We increase exercise time and/or buy equipment to work out at home.  After a month or two there is still little progress.  About the sixth month mark, we quit and it’s back to the drawing board.  According to The International Health Racquet and Sports Club Association and Personal Training Direct:

“By the sixth month of membership almost 44% of members are attending less than once a week (4 times a month) – typically we would class this as ‘drop out’ at month six and ‘at risk membership’ at month one and three.” (IHRSA (The International Health Racquet and Sportsclub Association) and The Fitness Industry Association (FIA).

In that six month time frame, we may release 10 pounds or so (or gain). While any reduction is an accomplishment, a 10 pound loss could really be done in less than a month with a strategic, holistic (spirit, mind and body) approach.  All elements of you have to be involved for a long term, sustainable, lifestyle change.

So why can’t we eat anything and just work it off?  There is a science behind an effective diet plan.

What Do You Mean”DIET”?

When we talk about weight release, we must consider how diet plays a role. Diet, in this instance, is not a depriving program within a time frame, but the regular eating pattern.   What we consume during a normal day.  It is influenced by many factors, but mainly our upbringing.  Effective weight release is a result of a reducing acid-forming foods/drinks, etc. from the diet.

The diet is crucial for two important weight loss systems within the body:

  1. pH (measure of acid/alkaline composition)  and

  2. liver (main fat-burning organ)

What is pH?

Let’s quickly talk about pH levels.  In general, pH stands for power of hydrogen and it’s measured on a scale of 0 to 14.  The normal power of hydrogen (pH ) in human blood is 7.4, and ideally what we strive to maintain.  However, the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) is heavy in acid foods which lower the number.

  1. A pH level from 0 to 7 is “acidic” [BAD]

  2. A pH level higher than 7 is “alkaline” [GOOD]

  3. 7 is considered neutral

Too Much Acid 

When the body has too much acid, the pH is unbalanced.  This creates more fat cells to protect the organs because it assumes we are in trouble.  This is not surface fat that we initially work off with exercise (those first few pounds).  This a deeper layer within the muscle and organs which can be difficult to lose and requires more than a few minutes on the treadmill or a dance class.

The body will hold and keep producing this fat as long as it is fed the same acidic foods that create it. This is the problem with over consumption of foods like coffee, saturated fats, proc


An abundance of this type of acid disrupts normal stomach acids that support digestion, assimilation and elimination (for which we buy antacids and further complicate the process).  Accumulated acid waste in the joints encourages arthritis (and other conditions ending in “itis”).  Furthermore, acid is the breeding ground for parasites, disease and other complications.  These things thrive in acid environments but cannot live in alkaline.  Thus, diet is imperative.  Check out this acid/alkaline chart for a general guideline.

Secondly, if the liver is overwhelmed with additives, pesticides and other toxins, it is working extra hard to sanitize, but can’t effectively do the second job of burning fat. This leads to weight gain. Not only does the liver clean and detox the blood, but it also metabolizes nutrients.  When the liver can adequately clear toxic waste it becomes a stronger fat burner.  Herbal tinctures like Detox and Parasite Cleanse may assist the liver, but these are only parts of a bigger process.

Eating whole, natural foods closest to organic/original form provides proper pH balancing nutrition, reduces fat cells and cleans the liver. This is essential to restoring the body to a natural weight, size and state of well-being.

Contact VKNOX to create a custom plan of action that will not leave you feeling deprived, but satisfied and energized  as you release weight and improve wellness.


VKNOX is a holistic nutrition wellness practitioner, behavior change specialist, fitness nutrition educator, lifestyle transformation coach and author. She is the creator of the R.A.W. Lifestyle System.

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