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Why Work With VKnox




Holistic Health and Wellness Practitioner



Digestive Health

Weight Management

Disease Prevention & Reversal (Type 2 Diabetes, Cancer)

Cleansing & Detoxification

Healthy Cooking

Integrated Wellness

Herbs and Tinctures

Medicinal Juicing

Wellness @ Work

It is my calling to coach people who need to lose weight, improve health and ultimately optimize their well-being through holistic nutrition and other modalities.  My clients become empowered to make healthier choices through integrative approaches to wellness (allopathic - science-based medicine; holistic - natural remedies, the whole person... together, they are "integrated").


I know first hand how difficult it can be for a leader to have health and weight challenges while trying to maintain life's responsibilities.  The hard question is who does the go-to person go to when they need help?   That is why VKnox Life was created. My goal is to deliver evidence-based, client/patient-centered consultative care for decision makers, be it a CEO, entrepreneur or leaders in high stressed roles.


I am focused on holistic wellness as a lifestyle. 

Holistic simply means involving the spirit, mind/soul and body. It is a "whole" person approach to wellness.  Eating salads and exercise simply aren't enough. All of you - the entire person - must be involved for a true, sustainable transformation. What you put in your body isn't the only important part for lifestyle change.  Your thought process, living environment, relationships, and ​other factors play a role in your wellness journey.


Address the cause, not just the symptoms.

In my sessions, we work toward discovering the root problem of weight and health challenges.  I believe we already have the answers within.  My goal is to assist you in bringing that answer forward and creating a new path to follow.  There are not cookie cutter answers, but together we develop solutions that you can feel good about.  You are the pilot.  I am the navigator.  I am required to be unbiased, yet resourceful in assisting you with restructuring your lifestyle into a holistically healthier version. 


The R.A.W. Lifestyle (Really Awesome Way)

The R.A.W. Lifestyle System is six pillars I deem necessary to maintain wellness.  I've pulled from various experiences and research to rebuild my life according to these things, and now I share the with you.  Every program, meal, blog, consultation, or talk is based on this foundation:


  • Self-Prioritization

  • Cleanse

  • Diet

  • Supplements

  • Environment

  • Exercise


Challenge yourself to go beyond the norm and create the new life you really want. This is YOUR transformation experience and I am excited that you chose me to walk this road with you. Every step of the way!


Do's and Don'ts

  • We DON'T practice deprivation

  • We DO practice alternatives and inclusion

  • We DON'T discredit Western medicine

  • We DO consider integrative options

  • We DON'T self-sabotage

  • We DO learn what works and what does not  

  • We DON'T focus only on weight loss

  • We DO focus on health so that the weight can take care of itself


My message is about resilience.

No matter what our challenges are in life, we can choose to become more resilient afterward.  Health, weight and many other challenges can knock us down many times.  How many times we choose to get up is the deciding factor.  My speaking engagements include not only topics on holistic wellness, but the tenacity, motivation, inspiration and resilience that develops from adversity.

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